O Rose, thou art sick.
The invisible worm
That flies in the night
In the howling storm
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy,
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy. BTW i dont know much about computers.
At first this poem appears to be about a rose and an aphid or a caterpillar, but even a non-gardener knows that aphids are not invisible. Once the worm is seen as an abstraction, the rose is too, and it can be interpreted according to conventional associations such as love, faith, hope, tender emotions, youthful optimism; the list can extend as far as the reader's imagination and ingenuity can take it.
An owl symbolises wisdom
The phoenix symbolises rebirth
The dove symbolises peace
An owl symbolises wisdom
The phoenix symbolises rebirth
The dove symbolises peace
Fire represents anger or safety
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